Lesson from Houston Rockets' Social Media

Image: Flickr, Dean Sebourn

If you’re a basketball fan, you’re probably following the 2015 NBA Playoffs and know our Dallas Mavericks played the Houston Rockets last week.

What you may not know, is that the Rockets' social media manager was fired after the game.


Towards the end of the game right before the Rockets won, he published a tweet from the team’s official handle that read:

“Just close your eyes and it will all be over soon” with an emoji of a gun next to a horse.

The Mavericks tweeted a classy reply and the Rockets soon after deleted their tweet and officially apologized.

The damage, however was already done.

We’ve seen several of these social media mistakes and this one serves as another reminder to always think twice before you post something online, whether for yourself or a brand.

It’s important to never lose your head, especially in high-stress or emotional circumstances such as this one.

Always look at your content from all angles, and if in doubt, leave it out.

Until next time,
