Hi, there!
Have you ever wondered what gets you closer to the top of search results on LinkedIn?
It’s a combination of factors, of which the main ones you should focus on are described below.
-How complete your profile is: The more complete, the better. A profile photo is especially important.
-How many connections you have: The more connections, the better. LinkedIn can see you as a “loner”, somewhat connected, or a well-networked professional.
-The keywords on your profile. If you have “marketing” all over your profile and have several endorsements and recommendations for “marketing”, you’re more likely to show up in “marketing” search results than another marketing professional who doesn’t. Decide what you want to be known for and be sure that’s the main focus of your profile.
-How active you are. The more you post on LinkedIn, comment, share, endorse, recommend and “like”, the more your profile is seen by other individuals. This, in turn, drives more traffic to your profile, results in new connections, which in turn expands your audience, and so on. Publishing long-form on LinkedIn is also a plus.
How about you? What LinkedIn tips would you like to share? Post a comment below to let me know!