How to Integrate Social Media Into Communications

Hi there,

I'm honored to be speaking at IABC's Southern Region Connect Conference at Coca-Cola's HQ in Atlanta, Georgia next month! The conference brings together communicators from across the nation to share their best practices, strategies and ideas on how to keep their corporate communications as cutting edge as possible.

This year, I'll be leading a break-out session to discuss how to integrate social media into an organization's communications. I'll give examples of how social media can be structured inside a comms team, different processes for including social media and different ways they're currently utilizing this comms tool. We'll also end with answers to frequently asked questions to ensure attendees leave with practical tips in incorporating social media into their daily duties.

If you plan on attending this conference, please stop by and say hello! If you can't make it, stay tuned for next month's blog post where I'll give major takeaways from this event.

Until next time,
