When to Contact a Social Media Agency

Kudos: Thanks to Joy for co-authoring this post with me! Joy is a rock star social media manager and someone you want to meet! Learn more about her here. Shout out to Allie for taking our photo!

In today’s digital world, social media is more necessary than ever. For the first time ever, brands are able to connect with their audience instantly and personally, making social media key to success in today’s digital world. The impact of real-data and intel to inform business decisions makes social media a vital part of your business that can help achieve your company’s goals and objectives. With all this being said, a successful social media program takes resources and bandwidth to maintain, which is where some businesses fall behind. So how do you know if you need to call an agency? If you or your in-house social media team isn't sure how to answer one of the below questions, then you may need to seek outside help:

1.       What’s your current social media strategy?

-Like a car on a road trip, you need a map to get where you want to be, which is where a social media strategy comes into play. Without a strategy, posts and tweets often become random and a waste of time and resources.

2.       How does it align with your corporate goals?

-Social media can’t be in silo. Your social media strategy needs to align with your overall goals and objectives. So how does it align with yours?

3.       What did you learn from your social media analytics last month?

-Data is key. You’re spending time and resources posting on social, but what is it getting you? What’s your ROI? If you don’t know, then you’re missing out on valuable intel on your business and customers.

4.       How are your competitors doing on social media?

-You need to know the landscape to know how to compete. What are your competitors doing? What are their strategies? Where do you outperform them and where do you have an opportunity to overtake them? Knowing these answers will help you be the best and stand out.

5.       Which platforms do you find your customers are mostly on?

-How well do you know your customers? Do you know what they like and what don’t they like about your business? What platforms are they on? Are you meeting them where they are? The same way talking to an empty room is useless, talking on platforms where your audience isn’t present is hurting you.

Social media can deliver real results to help achieve your business goals and objectives, but it has to be done right. If you don’t know the answers to the above questions, then you’re in the right place! We love to meet clients where they are and get them to where they want to be. If you have questions or would just like to get to know us a little better, contact us today!