Changes coming to Pinterest

Changes coming to Pinterest

For those of you who are avid pinners, you’ll enjoy the latest updates coming to Pinterest.

Remember verified accounts? These accounts are confirmed as legitimate and have a check mark next to their name.

This comes in handy for brands, for example, that have several imposter accounts and want to clarify to fans which account is the real deal.

Pinterest will be introducing this feature in the coming days to high-profile pinners, who will have a red check mark next to their name...

What's the best time to post on social media?

What's the best time to post on social media?

Have you ever wondered what the best time to post on social media is?
If you do a search on the web, you’ll find several articles claiming the best times to post on each platform.

While these can serve as a guide in the beginning, it’s important to remember every audience is different.
For example, a 17-year old fashionista will be on social media at different times than a 55 year-old business man...

CEO Use of Social Media on the Rise

CEO Use of Social Media on the Rise

A newly released study of CEOs from the world's 50 most lucrative companies found their use of social media has increased, with LinkedIn and Twitter as their favorite platforms to engage in.  Interestingly, none of the executives studied have public Facebook pages, and video marketing has become more important as more than half of them have participated in a video on their company website or YouTube channel...

8 ways to use live streaming for business purposes

8 ways to use live streaming for business purposes

You may have heard of Meerkat and Periscope, two rivaling live streaming apps that broadcast your life real-time to the social media world.

Meerkat made a big splash at SXSW last month, but Periscope has been officially endorsed by Twitter.

Since their release, users have been live streaming anything from golf matches to conferences to what’s inside their refrigerator.

(No, I’m not kidding about the latter.)

As users test this app and better understand how it functions, businesses are beginning to...

Facebook Battling Fake Users

Facebook Battling Fake Users

Did you know Facebook reportedly has around 170 million fake users?

Oftentimes, these fake profiles are created by individuals who sell hundreds, if not thousands, of “fans” to page owners who want to boost their page “likes”.

A handful of fake fans can be purchased for as little as $5, making it tempting for page owners to take this shortcut.

This is a big DON’T in social media land; there are tools which can audit your followers/fans and see how many of them are fake...

Social media is not's why

Social media is not's why

Hello, there!

I hope you had a great weekend.

With social media still a relatively young field, there continues to be lots of discussion about it.

Among the topics commonly debated are how to use it, if ROI is measurable, and if it's beneficial for companies to use it.

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review considers this last point and argues that since social media does not translate directly into sales for a company, it is useless.

So…is social media useless to companies?